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The Image & Logo

 Taken from our stained glass windows, the image and logo represent our buildings,
but also life together, as well as our theology as a congregation.


The vines, which are revalent in all of our stained glass windows, remind us of John 15- we are connected to God and each other.  We abide and remain in God’s love. 

The red grapes remind us of our communion liturgy, as we are “gathered from many fields into one cup,” made whole through Christ’s blood poured out for the world. 

The white lilies are a symbol of resurrection, representing Jesus and God’s greatest gift of love to us in John 3:16.  Similarly, the fleur de lis in our windows represent the trinity, are symbols of royalty, and also another lily representation. 

The dove represents the Holy Spirit, God bursting forth from the heavens (Isaiah 64), breaking into our reality, and dwelling among us always.  The Holy Spirit is God’s power with us that we might be reconciled to God and reconciling agents in our world. 

Green is the color of creation and growth.  It reminds us to always be growing in God’s love and grace. 

Crown of Thorns: Life can be difficult and the chaos of the world touches our lives.  We also know that growth sometimes comes through pain, and life together is not always easy, yet we claim and uphold our growth in God and together as good. 

Gold reminds us that we are children of the light, beloved children of God, through the power of God’s Spirit.  We are sinners saved by grace, we are claimed as God’s own and enfolded in the shadow of God’s wings just as we are.  In gratitude, we join in sharing the light with the world in God's message of love, reconciliation, and grace.