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Young Leaders Mentoring Program

Schoharie Valley Community Camp is committed to the development of young leaders!  For the past 10 years, the pastors and volunteer church members who lead the camp have been inviting young people into the planning process.  This process helps make camp sustainable, as our young leaders bring new energy and add their gifts to the work of making camp happen.  Youg Leaders' leadership helps make camp better, as well as allows young people employment and leadership experience.  Young leaders fill out applications, obtain references, are interviewed, and act as vital parts of the leadership team for camp.  Young leaders receive a small stipend for their efforts, as well as gain valuable experience for their resumes.   Interested?  Here is the place to apply online.  Applications may also be downloaded and either emailed to OR mailed to Schoharie Valley Community Camp, c/o Schoharie Reformed Church (PO Box 635, Schoharie, NY 12157).  

Position Descriptions

Paper Forms