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Capital Campaign

Building The Kingdom Capital Campaign

August 28, 2011 Hurricane Irene decimated our village, causing significant damage to 90% of all village structures, including basement and first floor damage to all of our church buildings.  Nearly five years later, we continue to make building repairs.  We estimate we will have spent $1.25 million when we complete the project.  While this is considerably less than the multi-millions spent on other buildings in the area, it is in addition to our regular expense budget, has come without the assistance of insurance, state or federal entities, and is a significant challenge for our congregation - many of whom have faced their own personal trauma and financial devastation.

We did it!  With your help, we reached our funding goal!!

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (pdf)   

Thank you to everyone, let’s keep it going as we live into our mission and vision!

Work In Progress

Look How Far We Have Come, 2018!