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Consistory has continued efforts to get the financial health of the church in a stable, balanced state. Following up with your suggestion and our need for accurate information for planning, we request that you prayerfully consider your tithing and give us feedback on what is right for you. Please fill out the pledge form below.

We want to be clear we don't want anyone to give more than they are comfortable with, this is just a tool for us to get feedback on what your pledges are, so we can continue to work on how to gain financial stability. We are only looking for feedback on giving to the general fund for budgeted items. Please do not note benevolence in what you are reporting below. If you have any questions or want to provide any other feedback, please contact the church office at 518-295-8177 or a member of the consistory. Thank you for your assistance.

Please also see the downloadable PDF for some ideas that the consistory has put together.