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Worship & Sunday School 10:00am Contact Us




All are welcome at our worship service.  So come as you are and we are excited to have you with us to worship.

Sunday morning worship services at the Schoharie Reformed Church are a spirit-filled and engaging time of glorifying God, confessing our brokenness, hearing the promises of God’s Word, and responding with our gifts and our praises.  Our worship services are held at 10 a.m. on Sunday mornings. The worship services center on the faithfulness of Scripture and the unfolding story of God’s love for us as told in the Bible.  Our worship is corporate as we believe each member of the congregation is meant to be an active participant in the worship service.  We have a weekly liturgist who leads the “call to worship” and reads the scriptures.  We also welcome the gifts of the congregation in offering special music, displaying art, sharing testimonies, and sharing other gifts in worship.  We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every other month (October, December, February, April, June, August) and on some holidays.  Corporate worship is an important time for us to glorify God, to share in the fellowship of the community of faith, to grow in our understanding of God, and to be sent out to join the work of the Holy Spirit in the world.

We believe a community of faith includes all ages!  Children of all ages are most welcome in our worship services.  The voices of the young keep us grounded and are cherished!  Activity bags are available for kids to use during worship and a “Time for Youth” is a regular part of our Sunday morning gathering.  Kids are invited to participate in helping lead services at various times.

Come as you are!  Come!


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