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January 2018 - In Daily Use Despite the Cold

Let's Build a New Playground Together!

Since 2010 the church dreamed of serving our community through rebuilding our playground.  Currently the only playground in the area is located tucked behind the school and is inacessible during the school day.  There is no other play equipment in the main part of the village.  Before the flood, the tired wood play equipment was used on a regular basis.  After the flood, all that remained was a pair of old swings, which were still utilized regularly.  While the flood put these dreams on hold, the church included them as a part of our Capital Campaign and are thrilled to announce we did it!

The Dream is now Reality!

Saturday, September 17, 2016 was the beginning.

Food, Music, and Kids Activities were available throughout the day and over 75 volunteers gathered to help put the new playground together!  Special thanks to Floyd Guernsey and his crew from Guernsey's Schoharie Nurseries for their sponsorship, support, and augering ALL of the holes for the equipment and fencing along with landscaping assistance.  This playground was made possible because of the donations and vision of the members of the Schoharie Reformed Church, in conjunction with a partial equipment matching grant from KaBOOM! and Dr Pepper Snapple Group and discounts from Lowe's of Amsterdam.  There will be ongoing maintenance and upkeep expenses.  Donations continue to be appreciated and can be made below. 

It's being used daily!

We are happy to report that even in the cold temperatures the playground is getting daily use.  We hope to accomplish the rest of the parking lot painting (now that the blue construction tent is down! Hallelujah!) this spring, 2018.  

The design was based on over 100 responses from community families and includes some adult fitness equipment, a toddler section, a 5-12 year old section of equipment, ADA accessibility, a molded ADA compliant swing, several swings, and painted portions of the parking lot so it can be used for four square, basketball, and hop scotch when it is not needed for parking.


The Plan